Real Market Cap SAVENFT = $21,319. How did this happen and why, who holds the tokens gets a huge advantage?

2 min readOct 25, 2021

SAVENFT farming is over and it’s time to take stock.

All users received their SAVENFT rewards and returned their deposits to their wallets, which is the most important thing. There was a situation at the end of the farming that would have to launch a new stage for the distribution of tokens, but the team managed to quickly solve the problem.

The most interesting thing is that the contract was not configured exactly as planned. Most likely due to the differences in signs in unit256, only 10% of the SAVENFT tokens intended for farming were distributed. As a result, only ~ 3–4% of the total went to the wallets of farmers, and 34–35% remained forever locked in the farming contract. The team does not have access to the contract, and the logic of the contract does not imply the resumption of farming.

Since 26% of tokens were burned during farming, and 34% were locked in CryptExLock contracts, only 5–6% of tokens are freely available. And access to 61% of tokens is lost forever (burned or blocked in the contract)

This creates a situation that the current capitalization of SAVENFT is only $ 21,319. In addition, the team plans not to use the remaining 34% of tokens for 1–3 years (we will conduct a DAO vote) in order to increase the value of the available tokens in the market and give an advantage to early users.

Those who did not believe in the project and immediately sold SAVENFT hurried. Because the real capitalization was no higher than $ 30–50k. The team plans to finish the release of the first version of the NFT Mystery Box Platform by November 17 (end of Celo Camp). SAVENFT is planned to be used on the platform, and the creation and sale of the Mystery Box is closely related to the SAVENFT token, which can create a great demand for tokens

